Matthew Corbin D.C

Sep 1, 20183 min

The Common Questions Chiropractors Get Asked.

Updated: Dec 31, 2020

The Common questions for chiropractors...

Over the years a few times now, I have said I have seen it all. I have stopped saying that now as learning is never ending and I see things sometimes that you only read in books. Rare blood disorders, unique neurological diagnosis, odd anatomy and peoples reasons for pain.

I love to be asked questions but often and the end of a consultation I am asked very few, maybe this is because I have explained things in an easy to understand way, maybe they are afraid to ask in case they feel silly (there is never a silly question) or maybe they are just content in the fact they are being cared for.

Below are the top questions society and my patients ask me with concise and easy to understand answers.

1. What is chiropractic?

The million-billion dollar question! Originally chiropractic started out with one man who found that manipulating joints reduced pain and “cured” everything. This is now not science fact but it still does reduce pain, increase mobility and help people have some sort of normality back in their lives. Some chiropractors just manipulate with very short treatment times and others use other modalities like acupuncture, sports tape, use pain science techniques and a whole host of different techniques to maximise care. I personally want to keep learning and changing, I never want to be stuck in my ways. Research is forever changing which means the way I practice will also.

Will it cost much?

It depends what the issue is, some people get what they need in around 2-6 sessions, others it takes longer. Some chiropractors have contracts but I believe the patient should have a say in their care and leave when they want. By reducing pain levels patients often see their doctor to come off medication safely, this reduces the side effects from pain pills and gives the patient a new confidence in their body. The price of this to me is priceless!

Does it hurt?

I call it controlled pain, often we apply pressure to a painful muscle to help it relax, it can feel uncomfortable but patients often report it to be a pain-pleasure sort of feeling and soon goes away after we release thumb pressure. Often it can even get slightly worse before it gets better. The brain already has a warning system that is heightened with chronic pain sufferers. As we are increasing the range of motion, working the joints and muscle the brain reacts. No damage is occurring and after a few sessions things start to settle as this warning system starts to relax. This is where we start to get people to do the things they want again which is very empowering.

The Common Questions Chiropractors Get Asked.

Why can't this treatment be supplied by the NHS?

We are still regarded as complimentary therapists, also there is a wide scope of practice within the field. We need to be more united before that happens. Saying that, some hospitals in England are integrating chiropractic through the NHS.

What causes the “clicking sound”? The clinical term for the clicking sound is called a cavitation. This is where two joints momentary separate (only a few mm) creating a vacuum that results in an audible pop. This process is called tribonucleation. This results in a neuro-physiological response that relaxes the area and reduce pain with an increase in joint range of motion.

Are Chiropractors real Doctors?

Technically you need to have a PHD to be a licensed Doctor. We complete a Masters degree and can use the honorary title of Dr of Chiropractic.

Will it work for everyone? The short answer is no, pain is complex and it is never really one cause, it is multifaceted. We need to look at lifestyle, attitudes towards pain, emotional status, activity levels, review medications, what kind and how old a mattress is, previous accidents, job satisfaction and many more. For this reason sometimes people do not get the relief that they need. Sometimes people do not want to talk about certain things or holding vital information back. Sometimes it could be even something we do not understand, something more complex and systemic. We always do our best to refer to the right professional in these circumstances. Currently 95% of patients at corbin chiropractic get the relief they need.

I hope this answers the main questions people have, the most common ones I get

Till next time

Matt Corbin DC

#Chiropracticquestion #clickandpop #pain