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Bicipital Tendinopathy Home Care

This page is dedicated to patients of Corbin Chiropractic. You have had a diagnosis of bicipital tendinopathy. The following will describe what your issue is in more detail. And then watch the video for your daily rehab routine. Remember if anything increases pain, do it more gently, or leave it for the moment. We all have different levels of ability. So take your time. If you have not had a diagnosis of biceps tendinopathy and have stumbled across this page I would recommend seeing a qualified professional first. 

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What is Bicipital Tendinopathy?
tal tendonopathy, also known as biceps tendinitis, is a condition affecting the biceps tendon, which attaches the biceps muscle to the bones in the shoulder. The biceps muscle is responsible for the flexion of the arm, and also assists a little in lifting the arm above your head. This condition is characterized by inflammation or irritation of the tendon. 



Bicipital tendinopathy is often caused by repetitive overhead activities or sports that involve excessive use of the biceps muscle, such as tennis, swimming, or weightlifting. It can also result from acute injuries, age-related wear and tear, or other shoulder conditions like rotator cuff injuries or shoulder impingement. It is common with people who use a computer mouse a lot, people who walk large dogs and awkward positions sleeping. 


Signs and Symptoms

- Pain in the front of the shoulder, which can radiate down the biceps muscle.

- Tenderness, especially in the area where the tendon attaches to the shoulder bone.

- Swelling or thickening of the tendon.

- Reduced range of motion in the shoulder.

- Pain that worsens with lifting, pulling, or any activities that strain the biceps.

- A clicking or snapping sensation in the shoulder during movement.


Chiropractic Treatment and Management

We as chiropractors can play a significant role in treating and managing bicipital tendinopathy. The approach typically involves:


1. Diagnosis: A thorough examination to confirm bicipital tendinopathy and rule out other conditions. Some cases we may refer for an ultrasound scan and or blood tests to rules out any other suspected issues. 


2. Pain Management: Remember most pain is temporary but things like bicipital tendinopathy can become chronic. It's always best to get on top of it ASAP for the best results. Use an ice pack 3x a day for 20 minutes at a time. This will numb the pain and help increase movement over time. Try and modify a sleep position that is potentially aggravating your shoulder. 


3. Manual Therapy: We will do similar treatments such as stretching, muscle activation, acupuncture, massage and joint manipulations. 


4. Exercise Therapy: Follow the short video. These are the best movements and exercises to get the shoulder working how it should. If anything increases the pain, do with with less intensity where it does not hurt or leave it for now and build up to it. 

5. Consistency. For your shoulder to improve stick to your treatment plan and the following routine on the video below.

Any issues, send me an email at

Click the video for your daily Bicipital Tendinopathy routine

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