Chiropractic Maintenance Care In Cardiff
Chiropractic maintenance care refers to regular chiropractic treatments aimed at maintaining health and preventing future health issues, rather than just addressing current symptoms. It's a proactive approach to health, focusing on keeping the spine and muscles functioning optimally. Here's a brief overview:
1. Purpose: Maintenance care is meant to keep the body functioning well after initial issues are resolved. It's akin to getting regular dental checkups even when you don't have a toothache. Often people's lifestyles can get in the way and chiropractic is a healthy alternative to pain medications for many people.
2. Frequency: The frequency of visits varies depending on the individual's needs, lifestyle, and the chiropractor's recommendation. It could be once a week, once a month, or even less frequently. Most people come in 1x every 4 weeks. They feel they are ready for a session after a month. They report of feeling tension reduction, relaxed and mobile. Often people come before going to the gym and exercise.
3. Benefits: Reported benefits include improved posture, reduced risk of future spinal problems, enhanced mobility, better overall physical function, and potentially a decreased need for more invasive medical interventions. Stress relief is also one of the biggest reasons to come in for chiropractic maintenance care. And to have a good chat!
4. Cost: You can see the price list by clicking here